Yuri Reshetov

Yuri Reshetov

Physical-metallurgical faculty

Speciality: "Metallurgy of black metals"

Department: "Electrometallurgy"

The scientific supervisor: Anatoly Ryabtsev

Theme of work: Research influence of technological parameters and alloy elements on structure of steel electroslag remelting


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I Was born in the warm summer morning of July 2, 1983 in city Donetsk in usual working family.
Father, Victor Reshetov, 1951 of birth, works on mine.
Mother, Helen Reshetova, 1953 of birth, works on post-office.

Also I have senior brother Victor and younger sister Olga.

In 1990 has entered in high school ¹ 23, where studied up to 7 classes. In 6 class I with my schoolfellows and our class chief went in Kiev. This city shakes by the beauty. There we have visited many various churches and cathedrals. Among them: Sofia cathedral, Vladimir cathedral, Kievo-pecherskaya laurel and others. Were in a female monastery, where we drink water from a sacred source. Were on ruins of Desyatinnaya church, which was destroyed during invasion tatar-mongolian yoke. In Kievo-pecherskaya laurel we were in a museum of miniatures, where saw much outlandish things. For example grounded flea, artificial rose inserted into a human hair and many another. This trip has left unforgettable impressions.

In 1997 I have passed in a comprehensive school I - III of a step ¹ 102 of Donetsk.

After leaving school in 2000 has entered in Donetsk state technical university (nowadays Donetsk national technical university) on a speciality "Metallurgy of black metals". During study at university I have got many new knowledge and skills, and also there are a lot of new and good friends.

On fourth rate I with my classmates took part in olympiad on colour metallurgy in city Zaporozhye. In spite of the fact that such area of metallurgy on our speciality is not studied, we have acted not bad, having borrowed fourth place from six teams of various educational institutions.

I has chosen metallurgical direction of study, because metallurgy one of perspective industries. Now set of other industries require qualitative metal. It is a military-industrial complex, building branch and others. And electroslag remelting, which I am engaged in master's work, one of best and cheap to expenses processes of reception qualitative metal.

My personal prospects are connected to reception of the economic education, with professional growth and expansion of knowledge in both areas of a science.